Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Not too much going on lately. I've started working on a couple technical articles, hoping to get them up on alistapart... We'll see tho, I never have much faith in my writing.

Anyhoo, I went bungee jumping about 2 weeks ago, and finally got around to putting a picture up yesterday. It was somewhat weaksauce, seeing how the platform really wasn't that high at all, but exciting nonetheless.

Also, I didn't realize until I was halfway down that the shoulder harness was really going to dig into my screwed-together collarbone, and my scream went something like "MAAAKEEIIIIITTTTRAAINNNNNOHHHHCRAAAAP OWWW MUTHA #$*@#$$#@".

Life Lesson learned: Don't bungee-jump headfirst if you're wearing a shoulder harness and have a screwed/plated collarbone.

That's all I gots for now.


Friday, January 18, 2008

cards showed up

Thinner then I thought they would be, which is disappointing. Other then that, I think they look pretty good, and the printing and finish is straight-up quality. Now I just need someone to give them to? What the.



Sarah and I went down to the DMV this morning and got our TN licenses. I guess I'm officially a southerner.

These licenses look like they would be really easy to make fakes, right? MD and PA were no joke, all sorts of holograms and such.


Monday, January 14, 2008

Had some cards made up, yo

Well, I was pretty bored tonight so I went ahead and ordered some business cards.. I ordered them from, so we'll see how they come out. It should be a pretty thick stock, and I got rounded corners as well.

Not that I really NEED business cards... But I always feel kind of retarded when people ask for my number / email and I have to write it down of them on a random piece of paper. Also, I just realized (after I placed the order) that "freelancery" would have sounded cooler than "consultancy". Dammit.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Mongrel cluster startup permission errors...

One last thing that was causing me problems when trying to get multiple apps deployed using deprec.. After deploying with capistrano, I couldn't access the website. Checking the mongrel logs @ /var/www/apps/[appname]/log/mongrel.8000.log, it was apparent the mongrel was dying on startup when it was trying to read something like "/config/../public/blank.html".

Checking the slicehost forums provided me with the solution yet again. Just had to run the following two commands to change the owner of the file and restart the mongrel cluster.

sudo chown -R app_[app_name] public/
mongrel_rails cluster::restart -C /etc/mongrel_cluster/[app_name].yml

And FINALLY I've got multiple rails apps up and running on the intertubes.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Good freaking lord.

While I'm having a good ole' time doing rails development, getting a slice up and running has been, well, a real pain in the ass.

After building a rails stack manually a couple times, I decided to go with a automated route using deprec. Which almost went smoothly. Only a couple hours of frustration.

First problem:
Not really a problem, but installed Rails 2.0 instead of 1.2.6. However, since I'm a noob when it comes to rails, it took me a couple minutes to figure this out.

Second problem: "uninitialized constant Gem::GemRunner (NameError)"
Solution found here. To sum up, you need to edit the install_rubygems task in recipes.rb to include the following lines at the end of the task:

sudo "mv /usr/bin/gem /usr/bin/gem.old"
sudo "ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem"

Third problem: "undefined method `require_gem' for main:Object (NoMethodError)"

Ugh. Shoot me in the face. Turns out, I needed to downgrade to rubygems .95. See how to do that here.

Beyond that, it actually wasn't all that bad. Took a few hours instead of 15 minutes, but it should go a little smoother next time.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Well, I've finally got my site up and running. Well, mostly. Please excuse any errors you run into, those are, uhhh, bugs features...

Anyways, there will be plenty more to come. If you need to get ahold of me, check out the contact page.