Monday, January 7, 2008

Mongrel cluster startup permission errors...

One last thing that was causing me problems when trying to get multiple apps deployed using deprec.. After deploying with capistrano, I couldn't access the website. Checking the mongrel logs @ /var/www/apps/[appname]/log/mongrel.8000.log, it was apparent the mongrel was dying on startup when it was trying to read something like "/config/../public/blank.html".

Checking the slicehost forums provided me with the solution yet again. Just had to run the following two commands to change the owner of the file and restart the mongrel cluster.

sudo chown -R app_[app_name] public/
mongrel_rails cluster::restart -C /etc/mongrel_cluster/[app_name].yml

And FINALLY I've got multiple rails apps up and running on the intertubes.


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